Spanish Music

Friday, July 18, 2008

Only 46 days until my birthday and hopefully until I'm back in Mexico! My last scheme didn't work but now I've figured out that if I get everybody to get me the stuff I really want for my birthday then I can use all my money for a plane ticket. Or if I can get my parents to get me a plane ticket for my birthday then I can just buy the stuff I want anyways. It would really help if I could get a job then I could just do it all myself. I'm going to get more applications tomorrow. I've been inspired by Keltie getting her first paycheck ever today! We made her take a picture in her Petland uniform with it.
I was happily suprised yesterday by the sun. It was actually kind of nice. Me and Keltie (my Mother has been bugging me saying that it's Keltie and I. I had to go back and change all the other times I wrote me and Keltie in my other posts) we tanned in the backyard on the trampoline for a few hours. We slathered tanning oil all over ourselves and the next morning I didn't feel any tanner although I did find a new tan line on my stomach from my swimsuit being slanted on one side. Today it was pouring rain, hail, and we had a lot of wind, thunder and lightning. This was the next day. In Playa it was raining as well but it was 36 celsius. Here it was 9 and now it's 4. I can't tell you how depressed I was today.
I went to work with Dad in Cranston. He didn't want me to be alone all day. Mom and the boys had gone to Fort McCleod to see Aunty Ashlee and cousins. Keltie and Dad were going to be working and Grandma and Grandpa are still in Summerland. So instead of me being bored by my lonesome I got to be bored in Cranston with Dad. I studied my learners and learned how to do the first 2 layers of a Rubiks cube. I also picked flowers from outside the van but the died before we got back.
For the past 2 days it has been my life's mission to be able to do a handstand. I've never been able to do one before and I don't know how I got the idea in my head to want to. So far I've pulled 2 muscles fallen on the tile and bruised the top of my foot and still not be able to do anything past a really slow flip into the shaggy bag. I'll get it eventually. I hope.
I've got to get to bed so I can be awake for my learner's test tomorrow.I had better pass this time because I've got to pay for it myself ince I failed the other 3 that my parents paid for. I feel way more confident this time. My manual looks like a 3 year old coloured in it with every colour they could find. I don't think I can study it any better than I've got it now.

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