Spanish Music

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Last night we got turtles! They are so cool. They're just little now but in a year they'll be 10 centimeters
around and in three they'll be big. One of them has little dots all over and her name (were pretty sure they're both girls) is Peca. It means freckles in spanish and the other one is Tuga, like in tortuga which means turtle. It's also off Pirates of the Caribbean.
It is so cold. I sleep outside in the loft of our palapa and I freeze at night. Today I wore long jeans. If you look on the weather website it says that it only gets to 31 celsius in the day. I think that's 80 something in farenhiet.
Keltie (my sister) took her math midterm and got 91% on it! YAY!
My grandpa and Grandma are coming down in 8 days! W e are going to have so much fun. I hope the weather is nice and not cloudy like it is now. My cousins are coming down sometime after christmas too.

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