Spanish Music

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Our cousins are coming!! Jessica, Daylon, Aunty Ashlee and even Uncle Jamie are coming down on December 15. They're staying 2 weeks and for Christmas! They get here in 6 days. We're going to have so much fun. Last time we did nothing but sit on the beach but this time we're going to go see ruins and go to Tulum and stuff.
We were trying to convince Jessica not to cut and dye her hair. It was long and blonde but she said she was bored with it and she didn't listen to us. She cut it short and got brown highlights. She also got her ears pierced finally. We've been bugging her forever to get them done and she said when she was 12 she would do it. Her birthday was on Monday and now she's 12 and still taller than Jamin!
Our friends Toni and Dani got home from Canada last week. We've been hanging out at the restaurant talking to the waiters and making cake. Dani taught me how to do a cartwheel. I've never been able to do one and now I can almost do 2 in a row. She can do 15.
I'm going to go to Kiwanis! It's a music festival and I'm going to be playing 'Esquisse' for one of my solos and 'Tango' and 'Evening Prayer' for my duets with Rebecca. I've already been playing 'Tango' but I'm going to be Harp 2 not Harp 1. 'Evening Prayer' is from Hansel and Gretel. Ashlee is bringing down the music for it when she comes.
We're going to have our family meeting and switch jobs. I'm going to be on dishes this week. Eegh.